We few, we happy few, we band of brothers…

The CBHS Theatre Program exists as an ongoing educational venue in theatrical arts geared toward education and enlightening students, performers and spectators alike, toward the understanding that the ARTS are a vital and meaningful part of the human existence. The number one goal of theatre is education. To that end, the theatre staff work diligently to provide performance opportunities for as many students as possible who might wish to experience being a part of a theatrical stage work. This helps to ensure that many young men of CBHS, and female participants from other schools, have the exposure to theatrical arts education.



“There is Nothing New in Art Except Talent.”

- Anton Chekhov

There are opportunities galore for students of all talents - from actors and singers, to dancers, instrumentalists, designers, and those who love technical work. All young men who attend CBHS are eligible for auditions. Actresses from local high schools are part of our program, and we are always open to all who wish to audition and participate. Novice and veteran performers alike have a home with the CBHS theatre program and the Brothers On Stage.




APRIL 2022

“Be Yourself. Everyone Else is Already Taken.”

- Oscar Wilde




Until Victory Always…

Encouragement, compassion, kindness, and faith are at the HEART of the CBHS Theatre experience. The study of the arts has a profound effect on humanity and we strive to instill these principles in the classroom and on stage. By committing to CBHS Theatre you are dedicating yourself to a journey of self-discovery and personal development. Here you are a part of something bigger than yourself and will gain a better understanding of what it means to be involved in a community of vibrant artists and individuals.